Kim Durand of Cheaf on moving from Europe to Asia to Latin America, Finding Product Market Fit, Stress, Self-Improvement and Next Steps

At Founder Radio, we interview the globe's most exciting founders about their business and their journey. We celebrate founders, and hope to inspire others.

Kim Durand hails from Paris and moved to Mexico City to start Cheaf, which reduces food waste by offering high quality food that is close to the expiry date at steep discounts. Started less than 4 years ago, the company now employs 30 FTE.
Kim was born and raised in France and has worked at incubator Nova Founders Capital and Uber, before starting Cheaf. 

Amongst many other things, we discussed 
  • Kim's business journey spanning from France to Malaysia to the Netherlands to Mexico
  • Kim's development from numbers guy to becoming founder and CEO of Cheaf
  • The reality versus the perception of starting a company
  • Kim's routines to stay fit and deal with stress
  • Kim's plans for the future
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Kim Durand of Cheaf on moving from Europe to Asia to Latin America, Finding Product Market Fit, Stress, Self-Improvement and Next Steps
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