Jacqueline van den Ende of Carbon Equity on Climate Change and Moral Leadership

At Founder Radio, we interview the globe's most exciting founders about their business and their journey. We celebrate founders, and hope to inspire others.

This episode we talk to Jacqueline van den Ende of Carbon Equity. Jacqueline and her co-founders started Carbon Equity 3 years ago in order to combat climate change. Carbon Equity enables consumers to invest in innovative technology companies, leading to direct climate impact and attractive financial returns. The company has just announced its Series A, and saw its number of users and assets under management grow with 100% and 300% respectively since its previous capital raise.

Amongst many other things, we discuss
  • Climate Change 
  • Moral Leadership
  • How capital allocation decisions impact the way the world works
  • Jacqueline's journey from private equity, to leading a scale up in the Philippines, to starting Carbon Equity
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Jacqueline van den Ende of Carbon Equity on Climate Change and Moral Leadership
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